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me, myself, and I

This blog is all about me and my experiences in life. I plan on trying a lot of new things in life and want to share it with any one who wants to listen.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

A Great way to relieve anxiety

About a month ago, I was getting my flower garden ready. I was putting in sunflowers. It took me 2 days to do this. About an hour after I was done on day 2, I realized something was off. I realized that my anxiety was goon. I was so excited. Ever since then, I have been trying to figure out how to use this new passion.

The first thing I am going to do is try and volunteer. I think I will start at the Como Zoo and Conservatory. This will allow me to relax and be around beautiful flowers. I am hoping to find places to volunteer at where I can plant flowers for those who can’t afford it. I feel that will be a good way to use my talents to make those less fortunate feel good. Something as simple as a flower garden to spend time in, I think will make them feel good.

I am going to look into going back to school and study horticulture. This way, I can get a job doing something that I love. Granted, there will be days that won’t want to go, but I feel that will be once in a blue moon.

I feel If you find something you love, you should share it.