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me, myself, and I

This blog is all about me and my experiences in life. I plan on trying a lot of new things in life and want to share it with any one who wants to listen.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Knitting and Crocheting can have many benefits to your life

I have found a new a new hobby. Or well, I should say, I have gotten back into it. In resent months, I have started crocheting. I had done this to kill time at night due to working the night shift and nothing better to do. Know that I am on days, and thinking a little bit clearer, I have started making things for alley shop. Right know I am in the process of making hats and scarf’s. Because it gets so cold hear in Minnesota, that is one thing that most people need, no matter how much money you have.

But did you know that knitting and crocheting can have health benefits too. It has been found that this rhythmic act can help prevent and manage stress, Pain and depression. (http://www.prlog.org/10179509-knitting-and-crochet-offer-long-term-health-benefits.html). Dealing with the stress factor alone can help with a lot of other health issues. Stress a lot of times will weaken your immune system witch can make you sick. Many also believe s that the act of knitting is triggered in the brain is similar to doing yoga and meditation. This is one thing I myself, never realized.

I guess for me, knitting is not only a stress reliever, but it also makes me feel good that I am making something for someone in need. Being able to give of myself is one think that I pride myself of, which in turn, makes me feel good. So in the end, It makes me feel good about myse

lf, physically, emotionally, and spiritually.


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