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me, myself, and I

This blog is all about me and my experiences in life. I plan on trying a lot of new things in life and want to share it with any one who wants to listen.

Sunday, January 31, 2010

my new life

So it will be a year ago in february that I had made the decision to divorce my husband. I think it has taken me this long to get my life moving forward. It dose seem to be hard and slow moving (moving faster now then it did even a few months ago). I think I am almost ready to make the leap to a more independent life. I am not getting as scared. When I do, I remember one of the many things I have learned in Al-Anon, One day at a time. I just wish that things would hurry up. But I do have to take the time to smell the roses, or what ever catches my eye.
I am starting to get some money saved. I am hoping to have enough saved by this summer, May at the earliest. As much as I love my parents, they are driving me crazy. I think they are old school I guess is the right word to use. Meeting people online really scares them. But the bare seen isn't any better. This is just one example.
I hope to get some ideas on how to create the new me. One way is to pick up dance again. Any thing to create the new me. My future is bright and full of new things.

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